Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So yeah, I'm starting a "fitness" blog. So funny! For the past 32.75 years of my life I've been anything but "fit". Exercise might as well have been a four letter word. But this past winter brought into clear detail why I needed to do a 180 with my life.

I've been dealing with my own health struggles for a few years now. I suffer from fibromyalgia ,just one of the nice little gifts I acquired after having a massive car accident a few years ago. The toll the pain (and all of the whacky meds I'm on to TRY to control the pain), I believe, are taking a toll on my body something fierce. Cymbalta puts me in a mostly constantly agitated state.Lyrica made me put on like thirty pounds... not good for someone who is already categorized as morbidly obese.  But unfortunately did the most good for my pain! And that's just some of the side effects (and some of the meds...).  Fibro is my biggest health concern but not nearly my only one.

So this winter, a friend of ours sort of unexpectedly came down with liver failure. He's been in and out of the hospital for months and is currently waiting on a transplant. He's in his 40's. Then.....my cousin, who for all intents and purposes was fairly healthy, had a heart attack and passed away at 44 very unexpectedly. She left behind a husband and three kids, her youngest just getting ready to graduate high school this year.

I know that if there's anyway I can prevent it whatsoever, I need to do it. I just can't stomach the idea of leaving behind my husband and my "boo-boo" like that.

Boo-boo's real name is Abby, and she is the light of my life, my raison d'etre, the one that keeps me up at night... LOL She's 19 months old, and the result of a high-risk pregnancy due to my obesity and other health issues. I want to be around to see her grow up, go off to her first day of kindergarten, cheer her on at her first dance recital, keep her calm through the woes of high school, cheer her on at her first marching band competition (LOL), see her graduate and go off to college.  Marry her greatest love and have me some grandchildren.

All the while growing old with my wonderful husband. And I have this gnawing feeling that I'm not going to be around that long if I don't do something about it. So here it is, my 180. Or at least a wholehearted attempt at it. I figured I'd blog about my journey to help keep myself focused on the goal. And maybe if someone like me stumbles upon my ramblings, I can inspire them.

You know what, let's change this from a "fitness" blog to a "health" blog. Because that's what's most important here.


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